Building 429
Building 429
Look at my heart again
Look at the mess I've got it in
I'm trying to trust in You
To know that you'll see me through
Through my pride
Through my shame
Into Your love
Into Your grace
I'm not looking back
Till I see Your face
And I'm running straight to You
All I really want to do is to fall into
The emptiness that is
The space in-between us
To break this division
All I really want to do is to fall into
The emptiness that is
The space in-between us
Erase it and bring us together again
My life's like an open book
Nothing is hidden when you look
You break through my boundaries
Revealing my insecurities
But through my pride
And through my shame
You show me love
You show me grace
I'm not looking back
Till I see your face
And I'm running straight to you
All I really want to do is to fall into
The emptiness that is
The space in-between us
To break this division
All I really want to do is to fall into
The emptiness that is
The space in-between us
Erase it and bring us together again
Here I am saying I need you
I know I need you
Here I am, I'm coming to meet you
Cause I want to see you
I've been busy for the past weeks because of our final project. Long hours of lab work and finally it was over. Can't believe it was over. This song has been playing over my head these past few days. I think it's just my heart's desire lately to "break this division...erase it and bring us back together again". :)
Class is finally over. We're just completing some project documents for us to be cleared for graduation. Time flies so fast. I can't believe that 1 year had passed. God is so gracious. Our final project went well though I feel like the weakest link in the group (hehe!)... DB server and VPN concentrator don't like to cooperate. I remembered old worship songs in the course of doing this final project of ours. One song popped out from my mind when I was thinking why those computer services won't work even when we did all the recommended procedures... "I have made you too small in my eyes, O Lord, forgive me, And I have believed in a lie that you were unable to help me... But now, O Lord, I see my wrong, heal my heart and show yourself strong..." Mr. Google couldn't give much help anymore and I forgot that I have a big God who is almighty and sovereign. I haven't known Him as an IT expert but I know He made the stars and the skies, how can He not make our computers work? Thank God for giving us wisdom. I thank God for my hardworking groupmates and our group's counterpart in the other class. Our group was able to host their portal successfully. :) Then another song crossed my mind... "how can I say thanks for the things you have done for me, things so undeserved yet you give to prove your love for me, the voices of a million angels cannot express my gratitude, all that I am or ever hope to be I owe it all to God be the glory!"
To describe this whole thing in one word -- "Amazing!" I'm glad we're done with the final project but well, I'm getting sad because it's time to say, "so long, farewell, I hate to say goodbye." (sounds like a "Sound of Music" song!hehe) :)