Friday, July 25, 2008

Half filled or half empty?

Oil price hike every week. Traffic jam every morning. Annoying circumstance.
Perspective in life is really important.
I'm trying to be more thankful.
Oil price hike every week -- I'm thankful I have a car.
Traffic jam every morning -- I'm thankful I could take some pictures and patience level is being put to test.
Annoying circumstance -- I'm thankful because it's a test of my character.
This morning, a passenger jeep cut my lane (as in sharp cut). I was in shock but then my shock became anger. After a few seconds of state of anger I reminded myself to be thankful. Thankful that no accident happened. Suzuki (my car) wasn't hurt. I wasn't hurt. No extra expenses in case Suzuki and I got hurt. Test of patience indeed.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Borrowed time

We were on our way to church earlier this morning when we encountered a traffic jam along Amang Rodriguez Avenue. I was quite irritated by the traffic. My irritation was turned to mixed emotions when I was able to catch a glimpse of the cause of the traffic jam. What I saw is a woman lying on the ground beside a motorcycle. Then men were trying to carry the woman to a car and I supposed they will bring the woman to a nearby hospital.

When I saw that situation, my mind was filled with flashback images. I also had a street accident about 3 years ago. I realized I was living on a "borrowed time" for almost 3 years now. I suddenly have a quick evaluation of my so-called "borrowed life". God reminded me once again that I don't have complete control over my life. He's the boss. He could take it away anytime so I should live a meaningful life.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Unique story 2

Remember my "Unique story" blog entry about two months ago? Well, few weeks ago I was able to buy a new pair of sneakers. We just went to the mall that day to stroll but I ended up with new pair of shoes. It was my mom who noticed the sneakers. I tried fitting the shoes and surprisingly it fits. The salesman said it's the last pair already. I really appreciate the shoes because it's comfortable and has simple design. And the best thing was the price is 50% off! Woohoo! It's only now that I realized that almost all of my shoes were bought at a discounted price ha! Thanks to the unique size of my feet! I knew God has a purpose for everything. :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Trapped in an "I-land"?

It's mid-year already. For the past weeks I've been "evaluating" my "progress" in this life of mine. Am I more loving... more patient... more generous... more joyful... more serving... or am I trapped in an "I-land"?

Driving here in the Philippines is very challenging. It takes a lot of courage. You try to drive safely but it seems that others don't care about it. I've noticed lately that I'm driving faster than I used to be. Maybe it's because I'm always in a hurry? Well, maybe it's because others are driving pretty fast and I thought I'll be left behind in the "race". Hehe. I guess I should have a sort of "metronome"(in music, it is a device to help you have a steady tempo) in my car. I'm keeping myself aware of my driving speed now... be more giving and patient and especially not to go with the flow of fast driving but not to the other extreme of driving too slow just like a funeral car! Hehe.

God is so thoughtful he remembers even our crazy little requests. Years ago I've been wanting to try other things like being an elevator operator, photocopying machine attendant and (school bus or private) driver. God made my little crazy requests into reality few weeks ago on different occasions. At first I was sort of complaining, but when I realized my requests were granted I had a wide smile. I realized that God is giving me opportunities to be of service to other people. :)

Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Philippians 2:4 NIV)