Friday, July 25, 2008

Half filled or half empty?

Oil price hike every week. Traffic jam every morning. Annoying circumstance.
Perspective in life is really important.
I'm trying to be more thankful.
Oil price hike every week -- I'm thankful I have a car.
Traffic jam every morning -- I'm thankful I could take some pictures and patience level is being put to test.
Annoying circumstance -- I'm thankful because it's a test of my character.
This morning, a passenger jeep cut my lane (as in sharp cut). I was in shock but then my shock became anger. After a few seconds of state of anger I reminded myself to be thankful. Thankful that no accident happened. Suzuki (my car) wasn't hurt. I wasn't hurt. No extra expenses in case Suzuki and I got hurt. Test of patience indeed.

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