Saturday, February 28, 2009

To detour or not to detour [part 2]

I think I've asked myself this question many times these past few days. I have to drive back and forth to Manila for ten consecutive days for the APRICOT 2009 conference. I've already mapped out a travel route in advance (thanks to Citi Atlas and!) but I've learned it's good to have an alternate route plan to avoid last minute changes. :D

But the last minute changes (in travel route) made the travels more exciting! It was like "thank God for the traffic jam!" If not for the traffic jams I wouldn't have taken those detour routes.

The feeling is great (as in total bliss!) when the detour route looks like a success. That is when I thought I had escaped from the traffic jam. I feel disappointed when I took a detour and the traffic is even worse. But then it's still OK because I've learned a new route and observed the road and its surroundings better.

Just some passing thoughts while taking those detour routes...
It's good to have a map/atlas. In life we don't have a map or atlas but we have the word of God (Bible) to guide us in our way.
Don't be envious. I sometimes become envious of drivers in the other lane or opposite lane when the traffic is not bad in their side. I was thinking, "I wish I were on their side of the road." But time and again God would remind me that we have our own different journey. It was just my time to endure the traffic. I have to appreciate the moment and learn from it. :D
There are blessings in disguise. I'm not a traffic jam fan. But being stuck in a crazy traffic could be a blessing. Just looking around (while stuck in traffic), I got to discover places I had just heard or saw in the map. I've been hearing myself saying, "Ah yan pala yon!" (pertaining to a street or a building or a restaurant, etc.). I sort of get more acquianted with the place rather than just passing by.hehe.

Now, I think it's always worth a try to take a detour. :D

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

To detour or not to detour

I don't like detours before. But now that I'm driving, I welcome the option to detour especially when there's a traffic jam ahead. I'm just having a dilemma sometimes because I have this thought that maybe I would just waste some gas by detouring.

One thing I'm learning from this, sometimes I just have to endure the traffic jam because it will soon pass. Patience exercise! :)

Just thinking: In life, we may not have the liberty to choose to detour or not to detour. But whatever we're going through in life, I believe it's for a purpose.