Thursday, January 06, 2005

strange stomachache?

yesterday morning, i was extremely well. i had my early morning devotion - about David Livingstone from the devotional book of Harold Sala entitled Heroes. i had a positive outlook for the day. and about 10AM, i received a text message from my cellgroup mate who just arrived from UK that she was in the office of our cell servant which is near my office. i took an early break to go to the office of my cell servant to see my "newly arrived" cellgroup mate and my cell servant as well (since we had a two-week vacation from our regular weekly meeting).

after i arrived in the office, i felt a sudden tolerable pain in my stomach. i thought it was just an effect of my quite brisk walk to and from my cell servant's office. i rested for a while. but then the pain didn't go away. it became worse that i don't know what to do. i went to the workstations of the agents who are close to me. i asked them if they have any ointment so the pain in my stomach would be relieve a little. but there's none. i felt that i can't bear the pain anymore. i decided to go to the sleeping quarters so could rest comfortably. i was rationalizing the cause of my strange stomachache. it couldn't be appendicitis since it is quite on the left side rather on the right side where the appendix is located. it couldn't be UTI since the pain doesn't radiate up to the left back side. all these rationalizations and i just thought of praying to God, what is your message through this pain? God didn't audibly speak to me but a thought crossed my mind. it could be that God is giving me a little test of faith. i've been living my life too comfortably, no problems, no hassles. i just thought that God is redirecting my trust and dependence to Him.

i thanked God that though there are things that i couldn't fully understand, i know that He is in full control on everything that's happening in my life. He even brought people who are concerned on my condition. i thanked God for them.

God is really good because not only did i finished my tasks on the office on time but i was able to have dinner with my "newly arrived" cellgroup mate and cell i have a great time listening to my favorite radio station 98.7FM Now Radio. Again, God is really good!

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