Thursday, May 11, 2006


People usually say, "promises are made to be broken".  Well, I have a high regard for promises.  I believe it has something to do with word of honor.  Though I break some of my promises from time to time, I try to remember all the promises I made to people.  O my, am I hinting people to remind me of the promises I made?  I think I should make a list, huh?  Or should I say, "some promises are made to be broken unintentionally"?  Hehe
Why this topic of promise?  Ah, it's just that I've been encountering this word for nth time in the past days.  Actually, I think 'promise' is a close cousin of 'remember'.  I was reminded that God remembers His covenants or promises.  He remembers specific requests of people...even the littlest requests.  He remembers what we do for Him.  With this in mind, I make a conscious effort to think twice or thrice before I ask a request to Him and before I do something.  God really remembers.  I remember Henry Blackaby's advice, "Oh Lord, if I ever give you a request and have more to give me than I am asking, cancel my request!"  So far I think I'm in this season in my life where God is remembering my requests.  Well, He always answers anyway, we just have to be ready when He answers.  I just pray that He'll cancel my requests if He has more to give me than I'm asking. hehe :)  But of course, there is a time element here... between the time I ask my request and the time God grants my request or in another case the time God made a promise and the fulfillment of the promise.  The term for that time element is wait.  Thank God, I'm learning the art of waiting.  There's really a lot of learnings from waiting... and not just learnings but also benefits. 
God keeps His promises to show His faithfulness.

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