Saturday, October 07, 2006

Take It All

After the “have it all” reflection I had before, now comes “take it all”. In the last few weeks, Hillsong United’s “Take It All” is being played over The Edge Radio. Well, the song has an upbeat tempo and a catchy line of “take, take, take it all!” (It’s really nice to watch the MTV of this song… it’s included in the DVD when you buy the album’s CD.)

Oh well, after enjoying the high-adrenaline mood of the song, I stop and think for a while… “Am I really willing to give Him my all?” I was thinking… “Here I am singing the last two lines of the chorus ‘take, take, take it all’ with all of my might and then what if God will really take it all from me… I wonder what would be my response… am I going to ask Him ‘why me, Lord?’ or will I be like Job who said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21)?

Time flies so fast… it’s been a year already when I had a street accident. I still remember that split-second moment when I thought God is taking me already… and all I could say then was “Sorry po!” :) I believe God has a purpose for everything’s happening in our lives. I thank God I’m still alive today and enjoying His abundant grace. I just hope I could watch the Hillsong United Concert here in Manila next month (November 21 to be exact!). :)

Here are the lyrics of my current last song syndrome song…

Take It All

Searching the world
The lost will be found
In freedom we live
As one we cry out
You carried the cross
You died and rose again
My God
I’ll only ever give my all

You sent Your Son
From heaven to earth
You delivered us all
It’s eternally heard
I searched for truth
And all I found was You
My God
I’ll only ever give my all

Jesus we’re living for Your Name
We’ll never be ashamed of You
Whoa o oh
Our praise and all we are today
Take take take it all
Take take take it all

Running to the One
Who heals the blind
Following the shining light
In Your hands
The power to save the world
My life

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