There are three categories of people in the world, and my bet is that you fall into one of them. Today, you might be what I call a "BP". You're "before pain", which means that up until this point in your life, you've been spared debilitating tragedies and heartaches. For you, God's promise in Romans 8:28 to "work for the good in all things" will be nothing more than theory. I recommend you keep this good theory nearby, nevertheless, because at some point in your life, you just might need it. Which brings me to category two.
You might be an "IP" -- someone who is "in pain" right now. In our broken world, pain will eventually find you, and when that day comes -- of if you're in the throes of pain as you read these words today -- Romans 8:28 is a lifeline, plain and simple. Our God can redeem even the darkest of days for his purposes. Without this promise, your trials and mine could feel overwhelming, and our pain could feel unbearable.
Or, perhaps you're like me, an "AP", which means you've made it over the most recent of life's painful hurdles in one piece. You're recovering and rebuilding as you navigate the waters called "after pain". For you, Romans 8:28 is a treasure. You now can see evidence of how God worked the pain for good, and as you face the prospect of future trials, something in you knows you'll make it through.
Wherever you find yourself on this continuum -- BP, IP or AP -- I encourage you to commit that Romans verse to memory. God promises goodness for your tomorrows, regardless what realities you're living through today.
--pages 125-126 THE POWER OF A WHISPER by Bill Hybels
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