Sunday, October 07, 2007

This Pain

If given a choice, I would not choose pain. Who would welcome pain with open arms, anyway? I experienced sort of numb feeling on my right arm for few days. I have some speculations on the cause of this numb feeling. Eventually I found out that the pain is caused by a stiff muscle in the upper back/shoulder area. I'm not used in taking pain reliever right away. I know pain relievers just keep you from feeling the pain but the pain is still there. It just stops the cells from producing prostaglandins (the chemical released by the cells when injured or damaged). Pain is the body's early warning system that something is wrong. My principle is: "it's good to know where it hurts!" My mom used to scold me because of my principle. But the pain became unbearable and I opted to take a pain reliever.haha funny me. :)

In life, we also experience painful moments. I believe it's also an early warning system to signal that something is wrong. But sometimes, pain is just there for no reason at all to help us grow in our character. Hello, Pain! ^_^

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