Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Test, anyone?

I don't like tests. But if I have to take one, I will gladly take it just to know how I am doing. But given a chance to be exempted from the test, that would be great! Would you believe that life on earth is a test? Whhaaatttt???!!!! (Remember a tagline of a popular reality TV show, "Because everything is a test... so believe in the power of your dreams..."?)

Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life reminded me that life on earth is a test. It says there "Character is both developed and revealed by tests, and all of life is a test. You are always being tested. God constantly watches your response to people, problems, success, conflict, illness, disappointment, and even the weather! He even watches the simplest actions such as when you open a door for others, when you pick up a piece of trash, or when you're polite toward a clerk or waitress." I immediately recalled the things that I've done on the previous days. Was I able to pass those "tests"? I hope I passed most of them. *then thinks again?!!*

I thought that nothing really significant happened to me these days - at work, at home, at church. But then I read, "When you understand that life is a test, you realize that nothing is insignificant in your life. Even the smallest incident has significance for your character development. Every day is an important day, and every second is a growth opportunity to deepen your character, to demonstrate love, or to depend on God. Some tests seem overwhelming, while others you don't even notice. But all of them have eternal implications."

I was quite worried. How could I pass all those tests? But no need to worry, "the good news is that God wants you to pass the tests of life, so he never allows the tests you face to be greater than the grace he gives you to handle them. (I Cor. 10:13)"

"Every time you pass a test, God notices and makes plans to reward you in eternity."

This makes me careful and more aware of my thoughts, actions, and words. Everything counts. I make it a point that everything I do will bring glory to my God! I know it's hard but with God's help I can do it! (Phil. 4:13)

Now I wonder how many tests did I pass already? (Aja! Jia you! Sige! Go, go, go!)

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