Thursday, July 07, 2005


as i understand it, achi means elder sister in Fookien.  i just got acquainted with the term because of my Fil-Chinese dgroup mates.  i find it so cute and sweet whenever i hear someone calling his/her elder sister achi.  i’m not really Fil-Chinese but i adapted the term and started calling one of my sisters in Christ achi.  though she’s not Fil-Chi but i just feel like calling her achi. i really treasure this achi of mine. yesterday was not a good day for me, i didn’t feel like doing my tasks at the office, i was feeling down.  she encouraged me even when we were miles apart, thank God for text messaging!  above all, God is our ultimate encourager and He uses people to make us feel His presence. i don’t have biological sister but i’m blessed with wonderful sisters in Christ.  this achi is one of them.  pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones (Proverbs 16:24).  tai ganxie ni achi!