Monday, March 06, 2006

dwyl, fire and best crush

Today is exactly 5 months after my street accident.  As I look at the scar on my leg, can't help but think about my life.  I thank God for the extension in my life. :)  DWYL is not a signature brand of clothing.  It means Don't Waste Your Life, a title of John Piper's book I saw in a bookstore.  It reminded me to re-examine my life. 
It's Fire Prevention Month this March.  But I'm asking God to keep me "burning".  :)  This song keeps on playing on my mind lately...Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, burning, burning, Give me oil in my lamp I pray, Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, burning, burning, Keep me burning till the break of day.  :)
There are times when I'm tempted not to read the Bible.  I just remember a statement in the Revolve 2 (Biblezine) about the Bible, it's something like..."the Bible is a love letter from the best crush you'll ever have".  Tell me who's not going to read the Bible? hehe :)

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